

I am time yet not timeless,

I am ephemeral else  wouldn’t I be worthless?

Rich or poor, short or tall,

Man or woman,I am accorded to all.


Listen to me and I will teach,that

I have been measured for each.

But none know the measure,

And that’s why I am the coveted treasure.


Seasons, moments, eras or days,

Many names I have like the sun’s rays.

The wise employ me for their viability,

Others by procrastination turn me into a liability.


Bestowed on each, I am ephemeral,

Use me wisely and you will be remembered eternal.

I might or might not come tomorrow,

Regard me else you will be deep in sorrow.


Embrace me and you will accomplish,

Rebuke me and I will admonish.

The physician I am for the grief you feel,

As with my passage, it I heal.


When I knocked on the door, the young wallowed in sloth,

And turned me away in wroth.

For me they pine on turning gray,

As my words they didn’t weigh.


I am the numbered seeds given by the Creator to invest,

Plant me wisely and you will reap a golden harvest.

For some the seeds are few,

But if wisely spent you will be happy in lieu.

For those with seeds abundant, many scatter,

And squander in liquor and chatter.


You can’t buy me nor hoard me,

You can’t lend me, nor can you borrow me.

I can’t be given but shared as Iam most precious,

Share me with your loved ones and you will cherish the nexus.


Gifting gems might be a fad,

But sharing time makes the heart glad.

Unlike diamonds I am ephemeral, once I am gone,

I won’t return even if you cry, plead or moan.


Cameras capture time, they say,

But that’s my shadow faraway.

Don’t be absent in my presence reminiscing about the past,

Who knows till when I might last?




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Posted by on April 6, 2016 in peace